Fungus Shui
Mushroom Ale | 7.9% ABV | 75 IBUS
Medium-bodied ale that pours an amber-gold with aromas of maple syrup. Brewed with local honey and delicious Candy Cap dessert mushrooms.
Mushroom beer…what the funk? Behold the crypto-gastronomical wizardry of tri-clamp ninjas from the Far East…of Montana. We love it when you taste an ingredient that we didn’t use. When we heard that there was a mushroom that smelled and tasted like maple syrup, we knew what our next beer was going to be. Fungus Shui has a powerful earthy maple syrup flavor and aroma derived naturally from Candy Cap mushrooms. So center your Qi, harmonize your environment, and enjoy this beer with a friend, or maybe with a bowl of vanilla ice cream.